Stress Reset & Anxiety

Stress Reset & Anxiety

My personal experience with Stress Reset comes from my 14-year-old daughter with Anxiety. From the time my daughter started kindergarten, she suffered from anxiety to go to school. It was the fear that something would happen to her parents while she was there that made her so anxious. In middle school, she was picked up late one time by her bonus mom and that greatly fed into her anxiety with school. We tried everything as parents - counseling, reassuring her, we even went so far to give her anxiety a human name so that she would talk about it more freely.

Her pediatrician wanted her on medication which I have ALWAYS been a proponent of functional medicine. I threw a fit about this and said NO, I will NOT have my daughter on medication. She has always taken supplements and then one day I had a light bulb moment and was like STRESS RESET, why is she not taking this? I told her how it might help to calm her, and she agreed that she would take it. She took it every night before bed, which she herself said helps her sleep better and she feels well rested, but we started to notice the gradual changes… no more teary Sunday evenings before the start of the school week. She was walking into middle school and then junior high with no more teary eyes. Now as a soon to be high schooler she always says mom "I need more Stress Reset" when she runs low. I HIGHLY recommend Stress Reset to parents that struggle with anxiety with their kiddos.


Angela Holcomb

Patient Consultant for New Leaf Wellness

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